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Fırat Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Veteriner Dergisi
2014, Cilt 28, Sayı 3, Sayfa(lar) 151-154
[ Turkish ] [ Tam Metin ] [ PDF ]
Investigation of Prenatal Infection in a Calf of a Rabid with Natural Delivery
Metin GÜRÇAY1, Ahmet SAİT2, Turhan TURAN1
1Elazığ Veteriner Kontrol Enstitüsü, Elazığ, TÜRKİYE
2Pendik Veteriner Kontrol Enstitüsü, İstanbul, TÜRKİYE
Keywords: Rabies virus, prenatal infection, newborn calf

Rabies virus is a highly neuronotropic virus that causes encephalomyelitis. A pregnant 10-years-old Holstein cow was presented with yawning, bellowing, incoordination, decreased feeling in hind limbs, loss of tail movement, drooling saliva, "cud-dropping", inability to stand, hypersensitivity, and aggression followed by paralysis. The cow had been bitten by a dog from a month ago. It calved a dead male calf. Than the cow died a day later after parturition. The skull of the cow and calf were opened and brains were removed. Clinical and post mortem observation may only lead to a suspicion of rabies. Brains were examined for rabies in the diagnostic laboratory. Rabies was diagnosed in the cow. Rabies virus isolated in mouse inoculation. Rabies virus antigens and specific virus genes were detected by fluorescent-antibody test (FAT) and reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR). But rabies was not diagnosed in the calf. Post mortem examination of the dead male calf was made. There was congestion in the lungs and petechial haemorrhages in the endocardium. Ammon's corn, cerebellum, spinal cord, umbilical cord, salivary gland, lymph nodes, kidney, myocardia, lung, liver, intestine and spleen of dead calf were collected in a necropsy room. Fluorescent antibody test, hemi nested RT- PCR and the mouse inoculation test were made for this tissues. Rabies virus not isolated in the mouse inoculation test. Rabies virus antigens and specific virus genes were not found by FAT and RT-PCR. Partial nucleotid sequence was made from the cow brain sample and published in GenBank with TR/EL/753/2009/cattle KM058759 code. According to the partial RT-PCR amplicon result confirmed that the isolate is Rabies Virus (RABV) by NCBI Programme. Phylogenetic analysis of RABV identified 0-510 sequence of rabies virus nucleoprotein N gene. As a result, nucleotid sequence of the isolate were found as identical with the isolates obtained from province isolates, as well as related with isolates sequences from neighboring countries of Turkey in the Middle East. This research demonstrated the absence of rabies virus in the fetus of a rabit cow thus, in this specific case, the transplacental transmission did not ocur.

[ Turkish ] [ Tam Metin ] [ PDF ]
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