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Fırat University Journal of Health Sciences (Veterinary)
2016, Volume 30, Number 1, Page(s) 039-044
[ Turkish ] [ Full Text ] [ PDF ]
Use of “Black Doctor: Tar” for the Treatment of Animal Diseases as Part of the Veterinary Medical Folklore of Antalya Province
Ahmet AVCI1, Rahşan ÖZEN2
1Hava Kuvvetleri Komutanlığı, Hava Uçaksavar Er Eğitim Merkezi, İstanbul, TÜRKİYE
2Fırat Üniversitesi, Veteriner Fakültesi Veteriner Hekimliği Tarihi ve Deontoloji Anabilim Dalı, Elazığ, TÜRKİYE
Keywords: Antalya folklore, animal diseases, tar, cedar wood, veterinary medical folklore

Records indicate that, the first findings on the derivation of tar for medical purposes in Anatolia date back to the time of the Greek physician Dioscorides (1st century AD). It is also known that, tar can be derived from the wood of certain tree species that grow in southern Anatolia, and can be used in both medical and veterinary medical folkloric practices.

In this study, the use of yellow tar, which is derived from cedar wood (Cedrus libani) for the treatment of animal diseases in Antalya province, was investigated, and on the basis of the field surveys conducted, it was determined that, tar, also referred to as “the black doctor” in the region, was used for the control of ecto- and endoparasites, and the treatment of various wounds (i.e. of the mouth, nails and horns, etc.), foot and mouth disease, snakebite, abscess, diarrhoea, and varroasis of the honeybee. In view of the therapeutic effect of tar being related to its composition of fatty acids, esters, ketone, alcohol, phenol and methyl ether of phenolic origin, it can be suggested that the use of tar for the purpose of mediating antiseptic, antiparasitic and anti-inflammatory effects and the prevention of secondary infection is justified by “rational” reasons.

As a result, these folkloric practices, which were encountered in Antalya province and its vicinity, were ascertained to be the continuation of the folkloric traditions that have been kept alive in the region for thousands of years, and are considered as good examples for rational folkloric practices.

[ Turkish ] [ Full Text ] [ PDF ]
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