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Fırat Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Tıp Dergisi
2009, Cilt 23, Sayı 1, Sayfa(lar) 025-029
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Edirne'de Sigara İçme ve Bırakma Oranları
1Trakya Üniversitesi, Tıp Fakültesi, Göğüs Hastalıkları Anabilim Dalı, Edirne, TÜRKİYE
2Celal Bayar Üniversitesi, Manisa Sağlık Yüksek Okulu Manisa, TÜRKİYE
3Trakya Üniversitesi, Tıp Fakültesi, Halk Sağlığı Anabilim Dalı, Edirne, TÜRKİYE
Anahtar Kelimeler: Tütün kullanma hastalığı, prevalans, lojistik modeller, roman
Tütün kullanımı ülkemiz için gittikçe ağırlaşan bir halk sağlığı sorunudur. Bu çalışmada Edirne'de erişkinlerin sigara içme ve bırakma oranlarının belirlenmesi amaçlanmıştır. İl Merkezi'nde yapılan kesitsel bir alan çalışmasıdır. Örneklem kent merkezi nüfusunu temsil edecek şekilde, 8 Merkez Sağlık Ocağı Bölgesi'nden, rastgele olarak, etnik köken (roman olan ya da olmayan), yaş ve cinsiyete göre ağırlıklandırılarak yıl ortası nüfusa göre seçildi. Veri toplamada, çoklu analizlerde kullanılmak üzere, sigara içmeyi etkileyebilecek bazı soruların eklenmesiyle geliştirilmiş Dünya Sağlık Örgütü'nün (DSÖ) anket formu kullanıldı. Tek değişkenli yöntemlerden kategorik değişkenler ki-kare testi ile, sürekli değişkenler ise iki ortalama arasındaki fakın önemliliği testi (t testi) ile karşılaştırıldı. Sigara içmeyi etkileyebilecek kimi değişkenler lojistik regresyon analizi ile değerlendirildi. Anketi tam olarak dolduran 645 kişiden 193'ü erkek, 452'si kadındı. Anket sonuçlarına göre katılımcıların %58'inin halen sigara içicisi olduğu (erkeklerin %68'i, kadınların %54'ü, p=0.001), %29'unun hiç içmediği (erkeklerin %16'sı, kadınların %35'i, p=0.000) ve %13'ünün bırakmış olduğu (erkeklerin %16'sı, kadınların %12'si, p>0.05) saptandı. Lojistik Regresyon Analizinde yaş (adj. OR=1.03), Roman olmak (adj. OR=6.14), işsizlik (adj. OR=2.13), alkol kullanmak (adj. OR=6.42) ve okur-yazarlara göre lise mezunu olmak (adj. OR=2.90) önemli faktörlerdi. Bu bulgular ile Edirne'de, özellikle kadınlarda olmak üzere sigara içme oranlarının ülke ortalamalarının üzerinde olabileceğini ve sigara bırakma oranlarının ulusal hedeflerin çok gerisinde olduğunu düşündük.
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    Cigarette smoking is one of the most important preventable causes of death and one of the most important public health priorities. Unnecessary excess deaths and loss of property are the harms to the individual and the society. Turkey is one of the most tobacco consuming countries in the world. There are 1.2 billion people older than 15 years of age in the world (one in every three adults) who are addicted to tobacco and of these 80% live in developing countries1. According to a research conducted in our country in 1988 the smoking prevalence in the population 15+ years of age was 43% (63% of the men, 24% of the women)2. In a more recent study it was determined that 50.9% of the men and 10.9% of the women 20+ years of age in our country were smokers3.

    Throughout the world 4.83 million people die from tobacco products every year4 and this number will reach 10 million in 2020. In 51 countries in Europe, 1.2 million people die from tobacco products5. In our country approximately 100,000 people die every year from diseases related to tobacco use.

    The Eastern European region, where our country is located, is responsible for 25% of the annual tobacco-related deaths in the world, and it is estimated that men in this region are the highest risk group for tobacco related deaths in the world6. We presumed that it would be important to determine the tobacco use prevalence and quit rate in the city of Edirne which is in the western European part of our country. In addition because of Edirne's location as a city on the national border and with its other socioeconomic factors it may have different cigarette smoking attitude than the country in general.

    The rate of quitting cigarette smoking is an important indicator in the evaluation of the effectiveness of tobacco control programs and an important measure for planning programs to help individuals quit smoking. In the national tobacco control program the goal was to determine the rate of quitting smoking by 2007 and the target was set to reach a rate of 40% in society by 20107.

    This study was planned for the purpose of measuring the prevalence of adult cigarette smoking prevalence and quit rates in Edirne, to provide basic information for monitoring it over time to show the need and effectiveness of tobacco control methods.

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    This study was conducted as a cross-sectional study in Edirne province center. A survey was run between May 15 and June 15, 2002, with a sample chosen according to the population data for the middle of the year for 2001 from Edirne Province Health Ministry, using a face-to-face interview method.

    Sampling: According to the Edirne Health Directorate's year 2001 statistics there were total 93,347 people in 15-64 age group (47,326 men and 46,021 women). The research sample was chosen by calculating from these totals, assuming smoking prevalence for women 25% ± 4 (95% Confidence Interval) (446 women), and for men 65% ± 7 (95% Confidence Interval) (178 men) by national prevalence's from PIAR study; the study was conducted with 645 individuals, 452 of whom were women and 193 men. The sampling procedure was conducted randomly, weighted according to ethnicity (Turkish Gypsy or not), age and gender from eight different neighborhood Public Health Clinics located in the city center.

    Survey: Data were collected using a survey, “International Union Against Tuberculosis and Lung Diseases (IUATLD) / Amended WHO smoking questionnaire”8 with some questions added about factors that may affect cigarette smoking to be used in multiple analyses. A pilot test was conducted with the survey that was used. The data were collected by a group of sixth year students at a university medical faculty. The data collectors were trained about how to administer the form, and they went to the participants and conducted face-to-face interviews with them to complete the surveys.

    Definitions: Current smoker: An individual who smoked cigarettes every day or occasionally during the screening (up to 30 days previously) and who had smoked at least 100 cigarettes during his/her life. Daily smoker: An individual who used any kind of tobacco product at least once a day. Nonsmoker: An individual who did not smoke cigarettes during the screening period. Ex-smoker: An individual who had previously smoked daily but had now completely quit smoking. Never smoker - (i) an individual who had never smoked cigarettes or (ii) an individual who had previously smoked less than 100 cigarettes in his/her life and who is not current smoker. Ever smoker: An individual who had smoked at least 100 cigarettes in his/her life. Quit Rate: ex-smokers / ever smokers9.

    Statistical methods: Categorical variables were compared with Chi square test and parametric variables were compared using the t test of significance between two means. Some variables that could affect cigarette smoking were analyzed using the "stepwise" logistic regression analysis model.

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    There were 645 people between the age of 15-64 who participated in the study, 193 of whom were male and 452 female. The mean age of men was 35.9±12.9 years and the women's mean age was 34.4±12.5 years. In the study 9.6% of the participants could not read or write, 26.2% were primary school, 19.1% middle school, 35.5% high school and 9.9% university graduates; 62.9% were married and 27.5% were single; 39.2% were housewives, 17.2% were self-employed, 15.3% were public servants and 12.9% were students (Table 1).

    Büyütmek İçin Tıklayın
    Table 1: Demographic findings of participants

    The distribution of smoking status of the participants according to their gender and age groups is shown in Table 2. In this study, 68.4% of the men were smoker, 62.2% were daily smoker, 16.1% were ex-smoker, and 15.5% were never-smoker. The mean age when men started to smoke was 16.3±4.1 (7-30); the median age was 16 years.

    Büyütmek İçin Tıklayın
    Table 2: Smoking Status for Adults in Edirne Province Center

    In the present study, 53.8% of the women were smoker, 38.9% were daily smoker, 11.7% were ex-smoker, and 34.5% were never-smoker. The mean age when women started to smoke was 18.8±4.8 (10-43); the median age was 18 years. There was a very narrow gap between the daily smokers and smokers in the men (6.2%), but the gap was wide in women (14.9%).

    The quit rate in men was 16.1% and in women it was 11.7%. The quit rate increased after 45 years in men and after 30-35 years in women.

    Factors affecting cigarette smoking attitude were examined with analysis of multiple variables (Table 3). The dependent variable was cigarette smoking; the independent variables were age, gender, educational level, ethnicity, alcohol use status, and status of whether or not they have income within last week. Age, (adjusted OR=1.03), being Turkish Gypsy (adjusted OR=6.14), unemployment (adjusted OR=2.13), drinking alcohol (adjusted OR=6.42) and being a high school graduate compared to being illiterate (adjusted OR=2.90) were the factors that significantly affected smoking status.

    Büyütmek İçin Tıklayın
    Table 3: Logistic Regression Analysis of Some Factors That May Be Related to Smoking Prevalence.

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    Because of lack of a comprehensive prevalence study representing whole Turkey since 1988, local studies like this one are important. According to the PIAR study in 1988, the smoking prevalence in subjects older than 15 years old was found to be 43% (63% of the men and 24% of the women)2. In 1993, a study conducted by BIGTAS for Ministry of Health with 26,546 individuals showed that 58% of men and 14% of women over the 20 years of age were smokers. In this study, the highest smoking prevalence was in the Thrace region with 39%. The lowest smoking prevalence was found to be in the Southeastern Anatolia with 29%10. In a more recent study it was reported that 51% of men and 11% of women (≥ 20 years of age) were smokers3. In a study by Çan et al.11 in an Eastern Black Sea sample the prevalence in men was 52% and in women was 20%.

    In this study in Edirne City Center, the smoking prevalence in men was found to be 68% and in women 54%, and in the total 58%. These data, as was indicated in the BIGTAS study, suggest that cigarette consumption is higher in the region of Thrace than the country's average and are consistent with the Eastern Europe region epidemiologic data6. The highest rate of smoking in women in our country is also likely to be in Edirne. The rate of cigarette smoking in women according to the Turkish Demographic Health Survey in 1998 was 18%, but it was 28% in 20037. According to these data the prevalence of cigarette smoking in women in Edirne Province center is nearly twice that of the national average. In developed countries, because a large percentage of men have quitted, the women and men's smoking prevalence are similar and about 20%. In Turkey, smoking is more prevalent in men than women, constantly. This was also stated by Çan et al.11 and they related this situation to the cultural and societal pressure. This situation may be different in Edirne, and probably in Thrace region in general, because of a difference in general cultural make-up and we suggest that there is not gender distinction for this subject in Thrace region. The effect of the tobacco industry's marketing strategy may also have had an influence on this cultural change.

    The Turkish Gypsies in Edirne have a higher prevalence of unemployment, smoking and alcohol use. This may be an important clue in the planning of smoking cessation services to the society. In studies conducted in western societies it has been determined that low socioeconomic groups have higher tobacco use constantly12.

    The high prevalence of cigarette smoking in Edirne is an indicator that there is also a very high level of environmental tobacco smoke. According to the 2001 Turkish Global Youth Tobacco Research (GYTS) 89% of the young people who participated in the study are exposed to passive cigarette smoke at home and 90% in places open to the public; 68.8% of their fathers and 39.7% of their mothers smoked cigarettes in their homes13.

    Another significant result obtained in this study was the quit rates. The health benefits for those who quit smoking are significant. The earlier they can quit smoking the greater the benefits. The benefits provided by quitting in the adult population can also have some decreasing effect of starting smoking because of prevention of smoking adults serving as wrong role models for young people. The quit rate was 13% in general, 16.1% in men, 11.7% in women. Our National Tobacco Control Program had targeted the determination of quit rates in society by the year 2007 and to raise the quit rate to 40% by 2010; to raise the quit rate among health professionals to 50% by 2008, to raise the quit rates among teachers, religious leaders and administrators, and members of professions to 50% by 2010; and to raise the quit rates during pregnancy to 90% by 20087. However we are not aware of any planned, official program aimed at implementation to achieve these targets. The quit rates in the entire population of our country is not known. According to local studies, quit rate is about 20%7. In the US, the quit rate was 29.6% in 1965, and as a result of a 20-year effort it was reported to have risen to 44.8%14. When these values are compared it is clear how far behind we are and how much effort is needed. The high rate of quitting in the older age groups, in particular, in this study suggests that those who have quit had health problems causing increased awareness and quitting efforts. At the societal level, educational, economic, clinical and legislative measures are urgently needed to increase the quit rates. Because of potent addictive nature of smoking, quitting effort must be supported by pharmacologically and/or behaviorally. There is a significant lack of health services available in our country to help people stop smoking7. In fact, smoking cessation services are suggested to be one of the most cost effective health interventions15,16. Education of health professionals for smoking cessation can significantly increase public health services for cessation.

    In conclusion, smoking is a growing problem in Edirne since smoking prevalence, particularly in women, is one of the highest of Turkey, and quit rates are far from behind the national goals. And lack of smoking cessation services is the major problem. Urgent efforts focused especially on socioeconomically deprived groups like unemployed people and gypsies are needed.

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    1) Kaufman N, Yach D. Tobacco control challenges and prospects. Bull World Health Organ 2000; 78: 867.

    2) PIAR Research Company. Sağlık ve Sosyal Yardım Bakanlığı (Health and Social Services Ministry), Sigara Alışkanlıkları ve Sigara ile Mücadele Kampanyası Kamuoyu Araştırması Raporu (Cigarette Smoking Habit and Fighting Cigarettes Campaign Public Research Report). Istanbul, 1988.

    3) Satman I, Yılmaz T, Sengul A, Salman S, Salman F, Uygur S et al. Population-based study of diabetes and risk characteristics in Turkey: results of the Turkish diabetes epidemiology study (TURDEP). Diabetes Care 2002; 25: 1551-1556.

    4) Ezzati M, Lopez AD. Estimates of global mortality attributable to smoking in 2000. Lancet 2003; 362: 847-852.

    5) World Health Organization and Regional Office for Europe. European Strategy for Tobacco Control. Copenhagen: World Health Organization, 2002.

    6) World Health Organization. The Tobacco Epidemic Rages on in Eastern and Central Europe. Fact Sheet No. 156. Geneva, Switzerland, 1997.

    7) T.C. Başbakanlık (Office of the Prime Minister, Republic of Turkey). Ulusal Tütün Kontrol Programı Başbakanlık Genelgesi (National Tobacco Control Program Prime Ministry\'s Guidelines). 2006/29. Resmi Gazete [26312]. 7-10-2006. Ankara.

    8) Slama K. Tobacco Control and Prevention. A Guide for Low Income Countries. 1st ed. Paris: International Union Against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease, 1998.

    9) Pierce JP, Aldrich RN, Hanratty S, Dwyer T, Hill D. Uptake and quitting smoking trends in Australia 1974-1984. Prev Med 1987; 16: 252-260.

    10) BIGTAS. Health Services Utilization Survey in Turkey. Ministry of Health, 1993.

    11) Çan G, Çakırbay H, Topbaş M, Arkucak M. Doğu Karadeniz Bölgesinde sigara içme prevalansı (Cigarette smoking prevalence in the Eastern Black Sea region). Tüberküloz ve Toraks Dergisi 2007; 55: 141-147.

    12) Cavelaars AE, Kunst AE, Geurts JJ, et al. Educational differences in smoking: international comparison. BMJ 2000; 320: 1102-1107.

    13) Ergüder T, Soydal T, Uğurlu M, Çakır B, Arren W. Küresel Gençlik Tütün Araştırması. Sağlık Bakanlığı Madde Bağımlılığı Şube Müdürlüğü (Health Ministry, Office of Substance Addiction Division), Türkiye, 2003.

    14) US Department of Health and Human Services. Reducing the Health Consequences of Smoking: 25 Years of Progress. A Report of the Surgeon General. Atlanta, Georgia: US Department of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service, Centers for Disease Control, Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, Office on Smoking and Health. DHHS Publication No. (CDC) 1989; 89-8411.

    15) Parrott S, Godfrey C, Raw M, West R, McNeill A. Guidance for commissioners on the cost effectiveness of smoking cessation interventions. Health Educational Authority. Thorax 1998; 53: 1-38.

    16) Warner KE. Cost effectiveness of smoking-cessation therapies. Interpretation of the evidence-and implications for coverage. Pharmacoeconomics 1997; 11: 538-549.

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