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Fırat University Journal of Health Sciences
2004, Volume 18, Number 1
Instructions For Authors
  1. In the Fırat University Health Sciences Medical Journal; experimental and clinical studies in medicine, case reports, invited reviews and letters to the editor are published.
  2. The journal is published 3 times a year. The International Standard Periodical Number (ISSN) of the journal is 1308-9315 (online), and the page of the journal can be accessed from the link http://tip.fusabil.org/.
  3. Names specified as authors should have all the roles and responsibilities of the authors defined in the Guide of the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE)” (http://www.icmje.org)
  4. Manuscripts submitted to the journal must be unpublished (excluding congress papers) and original, and must not have been sent to other journals for review simultaneously. Studies that have previously been presented in congresses and whose abstracts have been published can be accepted to indicate this feature.
  5. Manuscripts submitted for publication in the journal should be prepared in accordance with "Firat University Medical Journal of Health Sciences’s Writing Rules". Manuscripts are sent only through the online system.
  6. Articles can be submitted by entering the metadata of your "Online Article Submission" article (http://tip.fusabil.org). All required fields in the system should be filled and it should be ensured that the necessary files are uploaded to the system.
  7. The journal adopts the condition that the articles it publishes should be in ethical and scientific standards related to the subject. Scientific and legal responsibility of the articles belongs to the author and/or authors. The editorial board cannot be held responsible for scientific and ethical violations. Ethics committee approval should be obtained for research conducted in all disciplines that require ethics committee approval, and this approval should be stated and documented in the article.
  8. In studies that require ethics committee permission, information about the permission (name of the committee, date and number) should be included in the material and method section in the form of the sub-title "Research and Publication Ethics". In addition, in case reports, the article should include information that the informed consent/consent form was signed.
  9. In order for the submitted manuscript to be published, it must be approved by the advisors appointed by the editorial board. Accepted articles are published online. Submission fee is not requested for the execution of the article processes in the journal. No publication fee is charged for articles submitted to the journal or accepted for publication. In addition, the authors of the articles are not paid royalties and a reprint copy is not given. Unaccepted manuscripts and their attachments will not be returned unless otherwise stated.
  10. The publication language of the journal is Turkish. Articles written in English are also accepted. A Turkish Abstract and an English "Abstract" should be given at the beginning of each publication. Abbreviations should be defined where they are first used.
  11. The original signed "Copyright Transfer Form", which is uploaded to the online system during the article application and signed by all authors, should also be sent to the journal's correspondence address by mail. After the article is processed for scientific evaluation, the names of the authors specified in the Copyright Transfer Form and rankings are based.
  12. All authors in the article are required to upload the ORCID ID (Open Researcher and Contributor Identifier) registration number information, which is a scientific researcher identification system, to the system at the time of submitting the article. ORCID ID registration can be obtained free of charge at http://orcid.org.
  13. The author specified in the correspondence address; Responsible for all correspondence, changes on the article (including the number and order of the author) and proofreading of the articles accepted for publication.
  14. The article should be written on a page with 2.5 cm margins from all sides (justified), 1.5 line spacing in Arial character, single column, and 12 points. The article should be written in a clear and understandable language in Turkish or English. Except for the cover page, each page of the article should be numbered and should not exceed 16 pages.
  15. Manuscripts sent to Fırat University Health Sciences Medical Journal should be arranged in the following order (Title, Abstract, Text, References, Tables and Figures), Tables and Figures should be on separate pages.
  1. Title page: The title should be short, clear, all capital letters and suitable for the text. Only the title of the article (without giving the author and institution address) should be written. This method is applied in order to ensure that the manuscripts are evaluated impartially by the referees.
  2. Abstract: In Turkish articles, there should be Turkish and English abstracts. The abstract should not be longer than 250 words and should be structured as follows: Purpose, Materials and Methods, Results and Conclusion. 3-5 keywords should be given under the abstracts.
  3. Text: In research studies should have Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results,and Discussion sections. In case reports; there should be Introduction, Case Report and Discussion sections. Section titles should be written in capital letters. “Acknowledgements” section should be located between Discussion and References.
  4. References: They should be numbered according to the order of use in the text, and should be cited in parentheses after a single spacing. All of the references used should be presented in a list at the end of the text and all references should be used in the text. For references with more than six authors, list the first three authors followed by “et al” (In Turkish references “ve ark.”). In references abbreviate names of the journals should be according to Index Medicus. It is the responsibility of the author(s) to make sure that cited references do not have any mistakes. Personal views and unpublished work cannot be shown as references.

For references published in journals:

Sharp H, Russell AT, Baykal K. et al. Effect of systemic L-DOPA administration on extracellular dopamine levels in the striatum. Eur J Neurosci 1998; 29: 469-489. * Full names of journals published in Turkey (except those indexed by PubMed) should be given.

If the reference is a chapter from a book:

Emmerson BT. Gout and renal disease. In: Massry SG, Glassock RJ, (Editors). Textbook of Nephrology. 1st Edition, Baltimore: Williams and Wilkins, 1989: 756-760.

If the reference is a book:

Ozcan R. Cardiovascular diseases. 1st edition, Istanbul: Sanal Publishing, 2003: 185-194.

If the reference is a thesis:

Polat C. General health survey: A reliability and validity study. Ph.D. thesis, Ankara: Hacettepe University, Medical School,1997.

If the reference is an internet address:

Wilson AT. “Environmental pollution and breast cancer”. http://www.who.int/en/ 29.05.2002. Internet addresses of non-profit organizations, governments, national and international scientific boards and associations can be cited as reference. Date of web access should be indicated.

  1. Table and figures: All kinds of drawings, graphics, pictures, micrographs and radiographs are called "figures". All figures and tables should be referenced in the text. Figures should be added to the system as a separate .jpg or .gif file (approximately 500x400 pixels, 8 cm wide and at least 300 dpi resolution). Subtitles for figures and titles for tables should be double-spaced. Each abbreviation should be explained at the end of the subtitle. A title should be placed under each figure describing the abbreviations defined in the content and used in the figure. Symbols, arrows, or letters can be used to point to certain parts of the figure.
  2. Proof reading: Proof reading copy of the manuscript will be sent to the corresponding author who should check and return it to the journal within three days of receipt.
  3. Reprints: Free access to PDF files of all papers will be provided at the journal web site. www.fusabil.org
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